The Galleries
Olentangy Local
Olentangy Local Parents, download or purchase images captured at various OLSD events. Many print options available!
From the Blog
Lonely Shed
January 15, 2019 This is one of my favorite early photos. I took this with the original Canon Rebel and the less than spectacular kit lens: the 18-55mm, I like the lonely look of this like it is out in the middle of nowhere. It was actually very close to a busy...
Leaf after a summer rain
January 15, 2019 This is a leaf that fell in the wind from a summer storm. Shooting rain is different that shooting dew. You have to be ready to photograph as soon as the rain stops to get the best results. A heavy rainfall may not be as interesting as a sprinkle as...
Tiny Spider
January 15, 2019 This image was taken in Ludington State Park in Ludington Michigan. I was chasing dragon flies and saw this little guy pop up onto this pine cone. I like the depth of field on this and how it draws your eye to its eyes.
Spider in the dew
January 12, 2019 I went out one morning to take photographs of the dew and found this stalk. I took a few stacks of this and went back inside to process them and noticed this tiny spider. The pictures did not turn out how I wanted so the next morning I went back out...
About Brad
Macro photography has always amazed me. The hidden world all around us that we lack the ability to see or the time to notice is fascinating.
Focus Stacking has made the macro world even more amazing, allowing super sharp photos of the subject while allowing nice bokeh.
In the Galleries above you will find many photos of insects, landscapes, and other things in nature that often use this technique.
I hope you enjoy them and find something that would look perfect in your office, home, desktop background, phone case, mouse pad, or on a coffee mug.
The Blog section will contain stories behind the pictures.
I would love to hear your comments. Send me an email and let me know what you think.